Metaverse Charity Foundation Limited mainly focus on organising educational courses, such as teaching grassroots children and youth how to create their own digital artworks. In addition, experts and professionals in blockchain technology and Metaverse are invited to share their experience and expertise in talks and seminars, with a hope to strengthen the ecosystem by sharing more information with the broader community.
Meanwhile, the Foundation will also build a Metaverse virtual world to let more people know about innovation and technology as well as experience the Metaverse, all in
a non-profit-making way.
Redefining the Way
We Do Charity
Technologies evolve, so why shouldn’t charities also evolve?
We at Metaverse Charity Foundation want to turn charity on its head and revolutionise the approach to charitable work. We develop and bring the Metaverse into the equation for charity and make it fun for both the charity and the beneficiaries.

The Foundation in the Spotlight